Perfect Soil for the Perfect Plants: A comprehensive class on how to create great soil for your garden will enable you to grow just about anything!!
Saturday, September 12
9 a.m. -12 noon / Palm Room, at The Arboretum: 301 North Baldwin Ave., Arcadia, CA 91007
John Lyons, instructor
$22 members/$25 non-members
Reservations: Please call 626.821.4623 or email
Topics to be covered include composting, vermiculture, The Soil Food Web, compost/worm teas and leaf mold, cover crops, dig vs. no dig, correct use of mulches and the use of native soil.
A gardener by trade, John Lyons designs, installs and maintains edible landscapes, California Native gardens, orchards and wild hedgerows. Originally from Ireland, he has had gardens in Galway, London, Zurich, New York and Los Angeles. John will inspire, cajole and inform fellow gardeners to try new things, keep doing what they are doing, and dream new landscapes and plant-combo conspiracies. At the LA Garden Show in May at The Arboretum, he spoke to a standing room only crowd!