SCHOOL DISTRICT TO PUT BOND ON NOVEMBER BALLOTLast week, the Arcadia Unified School District voted unanimously to place a measure on the November ballot that would enable them to...
Southern California Municipal Athletic FederationChampionship Youth Track MeetARCADIA, CA – Arcadia had 88 young athletes who participated in the Southern California Municipal Athletic Federation San Gabriel Valley...
SCHOOL DISTRICT ADOPTS FACILITIES MASTER PLANYou may be aware that the Arcadia Unified School District empaneled a committee to help develop their Facilities Master Plan. Several...
Retired Teachers to Hear fromAARP’s Fraud Finders SpecialistsAt their June meeting, members of the California Retired Teachers’ Association Div. 171 (CalRTA) will learn about AARP’s Fraud Watch...
POLICE RESPOND TO TRAFFIC COMPLAINTS NEAR SCHOOLSThe Arcadia Police Department recently learned of unusually high concerns about traffic safety from our residents around Arcadia High...
Arcadia Rotary recognized the Students of the Month and the Teacher of the Month.This week, Arcadia Rotary recognized the Students of the Month and the Teacher of the Month. Academics: Casey Kim Athletics : Ima...
70th Annual Arcadia Festival of Bands will take place Saturday, November 18, 2023
Arcadia Unified Names New Highland Oaks Elementary PrincipalARCADIA-- Highland Oaks Elementary School will have a new principal this fall: Debbie Champion. In a unanimous decision by Arcadia...