You may be aware that the Arcadia Unified School District empaneled a committee to help develop their Facilities Master Plan. Several City employees helped provide input on building codes, traffic management, recreation needs, and public safety related topics. At their last Board Meeting, the District approved the draft Facilities Master Plan (go here to view it:
LINK). Below is an excerpt of an email from the District on how that Master Plan will be pursued now that it has been adopted:
Going forward, as you well know by now, the quality of education in our schools is outstanding and most of our classrooms and school facilities were built decades ago and need upgrades to support current educational and safety standards. To ensure all Arcadia students attend school in safe and modern classrooms, the Board of Education will begin considering placing a school facilities improvement bond measure on the November 2024 ballot. While no decisions have been made, a local measure could be used to:
• Keep schools clean, safe and provide safe places for children to play
• Remove asbestos, lead pipes and lead paint to provide safe drinking water and air quality
• Improve fire safety by replacing aging gas lines, updating aging electrical systems and improving smoke alarms, detectors and sprinklers
• Improve school security with emergency door locks, panic buttons, security cameras and communications systems
• Ensure all schools meet modern earthquake safety standards and are accessible for students with disabilities
• Update classrooms and labs to support quality instruction in math, science, technology, engineering, reading and writing programs
• Replace aging and failing sewer lines, restrooms and kitchens
As AUSD plans for the future of local schools, we welcome your additional input. To share your priorities and feedback, please take our community survey by clicking on this LINK.