BALDWIN TREE REMOVAL SLATED FOR NEXT WEEKAs you know, the Baldwin Streetscape Project kicked off a few weeks ago and has been focused on sidewalks and curb ramps as well as...
SANTA ANITA TO HOST LANTERN FESTIVALThe Development Services Department has conditionally approved a Temporary Use Permit to allow the Lantern Art Expo at Santa Anita Park...
ARCADIA CITY WIDE HEALTH FAIROn Saturday, August 10, 2024, the inaugural City-Wide Health Fair took place at the Arcadia Community Center. The event was planned by...
CITY-WIDE HEALTH EDUCATION SERIESOn Wednesday, July 24, the Arcadia City Health Committee hosted a seminar on Liver Disease and Care, presented by Jacob Korula, MD. The...
CITY COMPLETES PHASE 2 OF PEACOCK FOUNTAIN RESTORATIONSeveral months ago, we cleaned and resealed the bronze peacock in the fountain in Arcadia Park. This week, our Public Works crews...
Arcadia November 5, 2024, General Municipal ElectionA General Municipal Election will be held in the City of Arcadia on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for voters to elect Candidates for...
Arcadia City Council Reorganization - Tuesday, July 16, 2024Joining the reorganization of the City Council on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the City Council Chambers, located at...