Today (Monday, Aug. 11) is the fourth and final day of the complete shut down of the intersection at Huntington Drive and First Avenue, if all goes under to schedule. The intersection is scheduled to be re-opened early Tuesday morning before rush hour.
Crews have been working long hours all weekend to get the major components of the second train bridge installed on the south side of the existing bridge. The mammoth metal bridge side was hoisted and installed Friday night during the darkness.
Things appeared to go about as smoothly as could have been expected on the first morning of closure during rush hour, although there was significant lines for westbound cars at the detour north on Fifth Avenue from Huntington to Santa Clara. And then traffic was backed up considerably on Santa Clara westbound at First Avenue (the left turn traffic light seemed to only let a couple cars through during each sequence) and at Santa Anita Avenue.
Long lines were also backed up on northbound First Avenue from Huntington Drive to Alta Street, where some cars were unable to clear the intersection once they entered it, until the traffic light finally turned green.
Many motorists also seemed to ignore the signs on eastbound Huntington at Santa Anita and additional signs at First Avenue indicting no through traffic. This resulted in a steady stream of cars driving to the construction dead end and making a U-turn in front of Matt Denny’s Ale House to go back to First Avenue. But at least all there was access to all the businesses in the area. Orange cones blocked all parking at the curb in front of Outback Steakhouse but the primary parking lot for the restaurant remained open and accessible.
— By Scott Hettrick
