Gas prices have dropped again, almost back down to pre-holiday (July 4) prices — but still as much as 32-cents different from one station to another a few blocks away.
Check the list below to see prices at stations closest to you in Arcadia city limits…
Arco (Las Tunas/Baldwin): $3.53
Arco (Foothill/Santa Anita): $3.55
World (Duarte/Santa Anita): $3.59
7-Eleven (Santa Anita/Duarte): $3.59
Mobil (Duarte/Baldwin): $3.75
76 (Baldwin/Huntington): $3.69
Chevron (Colorado/Santa Anita): $3.69
76 (First/Duarte): $N/A
76 (Foothill/Santa Anita): $3.76
Chevron (First/Huntington): $3.85
Chevron (Live Oak/Santa Anita): $3.85
Jiffy Lube (Huntington/Santa Anita): $N/A
By Scott Hettrick