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Arcadia Community Coordinating Council to Host Bright Side Singers December 5.

Arcadia Community Coordinating Council (ACCC) members and guests will be treated to a holiday singing program by the Brighter Side Players. The December 5 ACCC lunch meeting will take place at the Church of the Good Shepherd’s Jordan Hall, 400 W. Duarte Road (SW corner of Duarte Rd. and Holly Ave.), in Arcadia from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. During lunch, Temple City High School’s Brighter Side Players, under the direction of Matt Byers, will perform traditional holiday music. ACCC, a nonprofit organization, brings the greater Arcadia community together encouraging voluntary cooperation of organizations, agencies and individuals to make the community a better place to live. ACCC supports the Campership program designed to give low-income youth, ages 18 and under, who live in Arcadia or attend Arcadia schools, a chance to participate in camps and recreational activities that they may not be able to afford. For information about membership in the ACCC or to attend the meeting, please call ACCC Membership Chair Esther Reynoso, at 626-646-3307 or email her at


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