The Friends of Arcadia Historical Society began in 1981 as The Friends of the Historical Museum. Its members were volunteers at the Arcadia Museum under the leadership of former Curator Carol Libby. In the beginning it was to support the Museum through volunteering in many capacities.The members did so by volunteering as docents for adults and children. They helped with teaching lessons, craft projects and performing in puppet shows. They provided engaging speakers for outside organizations. They spent hours archiving articles from local newspapers of important events and representing the Museum at civic events. They also held fundraisers to purchase equipment for the Arcadia Museum. In June of 2013 the name was changed to Friends of the Arcadia Historical Society. This occurred due to the expansion of their purpose as an auxiliary to represent all of Arcadia’s History. They were financially supported by The Arcadia Historical Society. They continued to promote activities of civic events: Downtown events, City Music Festivals. Memorial Day celebrations in the County Park, Historical Fashion Shows, Historic Police Car, Scholarships for students who participated in activities about History and they were able to fund a couple of the History Lives Here Markers. They had a Garden Tea in Carol Libby’s Garden for eleven years. With the funds they generated, they helped support the many activities of the Arcadia Historical Society. They are very grateful that there is to be a Carol Libby’s Courtyard Garden in memory of all she chose to do to preserve Arcadia’s History. The Friends of Arcadia Historical Society are very pleased to honor and provide a Memorial Bench for Carol in the Courtyard Garden.
