The final rail of the 11.5 mile foothill extension of the Gold Line was installed in a dignitary-filled ceremony in Azusa Oct. 18.
Unanimous praise was paid to the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority for completing the rail line ahead of schedule and under budget. This leaves a couple of additional steps before the line is operational. Additional completion ceremonies are expected in 2015 as train stations are completed and opened, along with grade-level crossings in Arcadia and elsewhere.
The final milestones will be delivery of the rail cars, not expected until 2016, followed by several months of testing.
In an unintended demonstration of the process thus far, with all the physical work ready to go at the appointed time, the several hundred people in attendance had to wait about a half-hour for a special rail car carrying dignitaries (a pick-up truck on rail wheels) to make its way on the eastbound tracks to the site of the ceremony. The Azusa high school band was asked to keep playing their one or two prepared songs over and over.
A plaque featuring the names of the Mayors of each town along the line, including Mayor John Wuo, was also unveiled. Arcadia Mayor Pro Tem Gary Kovacic filled in for Mayor Wuo for the photo op.
— By Scott Hettrick

Arcadia Mayor Pro Tem Gary Kovacic fourth from right.

Congresswoman Judy Chu addresses the audience.
