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Banner AHS drama production

Thanks to a partnership with Rose Hills Memorial Park & Mortuary, the Arcadia High School Theatre Department was able to hang a 35′ x 5′ banner across Duarte Road at Golden West Road to promote their new production of “The 39 Steps,” which holds the record as the longest-running comedy on Broadway.

The impact of the banner was felt the day it went up as ticket purchases increased instantly and have continued to the point that opening night and closing night are getting close to being totally sold out. The comedy-thriller based on the Alfred Hitchcock movie runs 7 p.m. nightly Nov. 15 – 19.  Tickets can be easily purchased online at

Rose Hills purchased a large block of VIP seats reserved in a special section for its employees. But Rose Hills is one of many local organizations supporting “The 39 Steps” and the AHS Theatre program in general. For example, The Santa Anita Park named the 7th race on Sunday (Nov. 6) after the AHS drama group with an announcement to be made over the public address system. And that’s not all, if you get your car washed in Arcadia, purchase food from Ralph’s, play golf at the Arcadia Gold Course, get coffee from Starbucks, have a meal at Denny’s, El Torito, Acapulco, Rod’s Grill, Dominicos, Olive Garden, Matt Dennys, or Pacos, buy a book at Vroman’s, shop at Whole Foods, CVS, Jo Annes Fabrics, Radio Shack, 7 Eleven, Pok A Dots or Party World, go to the Chamber of Commerce or Arcadia gas and mini market, or get gas at Sirius Chevron or Jerry’s Union, you will find marketing posters both large and small.

The Rotary Club of Arcadia has created a special night at the theatre that will begin with a pre-show dinner provided by the Theatre Department at an additional cost, followed by Rotary members sitting together at the play. Members of the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce have paid a premium price of $500 for eight tickets in two Producer packages for this month’s play and the spring musical production of “Oklahoma.” The Rotary Club of Arcadia has coordinated a special night at the theatre and are having dinner before the show provided by the Theatre Department at an additional cost. AHS Theatre Department also created a special Seniors Night on opening night Nov. 15 for which seniors do not have to wait in line and only have to pay $10, and there are no steps between the sidewalk and their seat. Seniors and other tickets can be purchased in bulk.

By Scott Hettrick with information provided by Bill Clark

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