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The 4th of July 1938

Arcadia County Park, first called Santa Anita Regional Park, was dedicated on July 4, 1938. It was a great celebration for the residents of the San Gabriel Valley. The Arcadia Chamber of Commerce sponsored it, and to their surprise, 15,000 people turned out to enjoy the festivities. There was a barbeque dinner, games for the children, competitive baseball games, aerial stunts and parachute jumps. The PTA sold popcorn, the American Legion sold hot dogs and hamburgers and Eastern Star ladies sold lunches.

In 1940, the American Legion inaugurated the annual aerial fireworks display. Funds for the display were raised by the veteran’s organization from the sale of fireworks at stands, located on vacant lots and on corners throughout the city. Thousands attended this spectacular display for many years, (war years excepted) until 1979 when the city of Arcadia outlawed fireworks for safety reasons. Numerous home roof fires, serious burns and injuries led to the decision to ban fireworks.

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Carol Libby and Karen Hou

Carol Libby & Karen Hou

Arcadia Historical Society

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