Present at a State CalRTA award are Principal Dr. Kelly Lawson of Maxwell Academy in Duarte; Jane Walton, CalRTA member; award recipient Heather Lichtman; President of CalRTA #71 Rosemary Hernandez; and Bonnie Gonzalez, member.
The California Retired Teachers’ Association Division #71 (CalRTA) was pleased to present a $100 State CalRTA Teacher Grant to Heather Lichtman, a third-grade teacher from Maxwell Academy in Duarte. The grant is given by the state organization to help support classroom activities. Grant Committee Chairperson Patti Hahn and her committee made the award presentation at the school’s faculty meeting.
Current teachers may apply for a classroom grant by contacting CalRTA at one of these locations: CalRTA’s website: or CalRTA’s Facebook page The State CalRTA will give out three rounds of grants in 2020-2021. Each round consists of fifty $100 grants.
CalRTA #71 of the San Gabriel Valley is happy to make this presentation to a local teacher. Membership in the California Retired Teachers’ Association (CalRTA) is open to all retired educators, as well as to current educators and to any others interested in joining. For membership information, please call Marietta Watkins at (323) 258-9615.