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Parker Lyon “Runs” for President of the United States

To our knowledge no other Arcadian has thrown “his hat into the ring” and run for the office of President of the Untied States. But, William Parker Lyon, owner of the Pony Express Museum, did just that in 1936.

According to Gordon Eberly, Lyon ran on the platform of giving everyone over the age of twenty-one social security with federal aid of $500 per month. And how would this be financed? Lyon stated that: “ We will run off millions of postage stamps daily and have a large part of them mismarked. These bring big money from stamp collectors and can be sold at a high premium. So, you see, the financing will be no problem at all.” He had two notables congratulating him: Irvin S. Cobb, author and editor and Death Valley Scotty, a character of note.

We hope you enjoy our Historical Tid Bits about Arcadia, CA

Carol Libby and Karen Hou

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Carol Libby & Karen Hou

Arcadia Historical Society

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