There’s a cute, friendly little white dog named Lucky who regularly walks with his owners, Lloyd and Michelle Truong, along East Camino Real Avenue between Sixth and 10th streets. You’d recognize Lucky if you saw him. He has no use of his hind legs and is able to walk only through the use of a special “wheelchair.”

Larry Stewart
Lucky, who is 14 years old, suddenly quit walking 2½ years ago. The Truongs took him to a vet and were told he had a slipped disk and it would be best if Lucky were put to sleep. The Truongs had adopted Lucky from the San Gabriel Animal Shelter when he was one year old. They couldn’t bear the thought of ending Lucky’s life. Through a friend who also had a disabled dog, they learned of a website,, where they could obtain a dog wheelchair. The website was created by Ed and Leslie Grinnell of western Massachusetts in 1999. They design and make wheelchairs for disabled pets. “We still love Lucky even though he is disabled,” Lloyd Truong said. “The message we’d like to put out there is, don’t give up on your pet just because he becomes disabled. We didn’t, and we’re glad we didn’t.”
— By Larry Stewart