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Eisenhower Memorial Park

This popular park was named in memory and honor of our 34th President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the architect of “D-day” the largest land and sea invasion in history, and whose vision brought the war in Europe to an end. It is appropriate to recall this event “D-day” that took place 75 years ago, June 6, 1944.

 Located on Second Avenue, just north of Colorado Blvd. , the flagpole and play equipment were donated by the Arcadia Exchange Club in 1969. The park includes the Dennis Lojeski Baseball Field and two popular dog parks.

President Eisenhower’s “People to People Program” a concept that began in 1956, evolved into the “Sister City Program” which many American cities adopted, including our Arcadia, and was instrumental in the naming of two other small parks in our city.

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Carol Libby & Mike Vercillo

Arcadia Historical Society

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