Baldwin Avenue Streetscape Improvements
The first phase includes the sidewalk, rehabilitation of the streets, street tree removal, and replacement and the installation of electrical lines to light the trees. In November,
Gentry Brothers continued concrete right-of-way improvements along Baldwin Avenue from Huntington Drive to Duarte Road and from Naomi Avenue to Camino Real Avenue. Concrete improvements including sidewalk, driveway aprons, curb and gutter, and catch basin work are
to be completed in December. Additional work to prepare for the planting of new trees along the project limits are on-going. Traffic signal subcontractor, MSL Electric to perform
additional work at the intersection of Baldwin Avenue and Fairview Avenue in December and will return to complete work as materials arrive.
Huntington Corridor Traffic Signal Improvement Project
This project is intended to upgrade existing traffic signal equipment including cabinets, traffic signal heads and pedestrian signal heads at Huntington Drive from Holly Avenue to Michillinda Avenue. In November, Yunex Traffic completed the installation of new foundation for the traffic signal cabinets and pedestrian push button posts at the intersections of Michillinda Avenue and Baldwin Avenue.
Additional underground work is planned for next month.