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Assistance League at AAUW

Members and guests of the Arcadia Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) will learn of the Assistance League of Arcadia’s many service projects at the AAUW luncheon meeting on Monday, April 12, at 12:30 p.m.

The meeting will take place in the Church of the Good Shepherd’s Jordan Hall, 400 W. Duarte Road, Arcadia (SW corner of Duarte Rd. and Holly Ave.) and is open to the public.

On the program, President Karen Conrad of the Assistance League of Arcadia will give background on the Arcadia League, which received its charter in 1954 as the 22nd chapter of the National Assistance League. She will tell of the many volunteer-based projects that the League undertakes. One service project is “Operation School Bell,” which supplies local school children with clothing and school materials. Another project is “Kids on the Block,” in which puppet teams provide skits on smoking, bullying, and other topics to nearly 500 elementary school children each year. Chairperson Jane Wall and her committee will present a puppet skit on “bullying” at the Arcadia AAUW luncheon. The League’s programs are funded through donations and the operation of The Bargain Box thrift store.

Blennie of Danielson’s Creations will cater a refreshing luncheon of Sonoma chicken wrap, tomato bisque soup, green salad, bread sticks, and dessert. Various beverages will be offered.

The cost of the luncheon tickets is $15 for members and guests. Reservations are due by Friday, April 9. To reserve, call Barbara Jackman at (626) 285-1951 after April 1. She will tell you how to direct your payment. Checks should be made payable to: AAUW-Arcadia Branch. If necessary, leave a message for Barbara Jackman with your name and telephone number, and she will return your call. Reservations must be paid unless canceled by April 9.

For additional information about the April 12 meeting, please call Patricia Dietrich at (626) 446-8437.

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