After I don’t know how many weeks without any, we are expecting some rain this weekend. That’s all great except for the parts of town that interface with the new burn scars from the Eaton Fire. So we are preparing for potential mud and debris flow by:
• Using some maps and data from the last time this area burned to predict potential mud and debris flows.
• Clearing the roads, gutters, and storm drains of debris.
• Installing water walls in strategic areas and staging others nearby in case the mud finds a different path.
• Reaching out personally to all residents in the main area of concern and delivering 50 sandbags to each resident today (providing more if they request them).
• Reaching out to organizations like the California Conservation Corps to assist residents with placing sandbags in their yards if needed.
• Pushing out messages to the area and citywide to help people prepare.
• Having Public Works crews in the City working this weekend, who can respond immediately to the north area of town if we experience significant earth movements.
My Personal guess is that this rain won’t be highly destructive, but it’s a good idea to begin putting these measures in place now and have them remain in place throughout the rest of the rainy season. Sooner or later, we will get some rains heavy enough to create some issues along the mountain range and it’s best to have things ready now, just in case.