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Arcadia Beautiful Commission Celebrates Arbor Day

On May 17, 2018 at 5 p.m., the Arcadia Beautiful Commission will hold its annual Arbor Day Celebration at the 400 block of Stanford Drive. Each year, the Commission celebrates Arbor Day by sponsoring a tree planting event in the community. This year, join your Arcadia Beautiful Commissioners, Mayor, and Council Members in planting a tree along Stanford Drive. In honor of Arbor Day, the Arcadia Beautiful Commission will be giving away free tree planting brochures, saplings, and various other gardening items to participants. The trees planted on this day will represent a gift for our friends and neighbors, and for future generations. The City of Arcadia places a high value on its trees and the positive effect they have on the community and the environment. This strong commitment to an urban forest is evidenced by the comprehensive guidelines the City has in place to ensure a continued high population of healthy trees. The City has been designated a Tree City USA for 24 consecutive years, recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation, in honor of its commitment to effective urban forest management. Trees are assets to our community when properly planted and maintained. They help improve the visual appeal of neighborhoods, increase property values, reduce home cooling costs, remove air pollutants and provide wildlife habitat, among many other benefits. For more information about Arcadia’s Arbor Day Celebration, please call the City Manager’s Office at (626) 574-5434 or email

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