Modeled after the thousands of other “open streets” or “ciclovia” events that have been organized around the world and across the United States, 626 Golden Streets will temporarily open stretches of roadway from South Pasadena to Azusa for people to walk, jog, skate, bike and more. Organizers are excited to bring this concept to 7 San Gabriel Valley cities for the first time.
There will be no “right” way to experience Golden Streets. No finish line (unless you do The Train Run). Participants may join and depart the route anywhere they wish. We only ask that you be considerate and courteous of others along the way, enjoy the event at your own pace, and check out the many local businesses, organizations, community groups and more who will be found across the route.
Overview: 626 Golden Streets presented by Metro will link the Meridian Gold Line Station in South Pasadena with new stations in the Cities of Arcadia, Monrovia, Duarte, Irwindale and Azusa.
When: Sunday June 26, 2016, aka “626 Day” (8am-2pm)
Where: See route map below!
Why: To celebrate the opening of the Foothill Gold Line extension, re-imagine our region and have fun!
Raise awareness about the Gold Line Foothill Extension and future plans;
Encourage local residents to walk, bike, skate and scoot to the new Gold Line stations;
Allow local residents of all ages and abilities to experience streets from a unique perspective.
Participating Communities:
South Pasadena
San Marino
Los Angeles County