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Oriental Fruit Flies (OFFs)

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) has confirmed that two oriental fruit flies (OFFs) were trapped in Arcadia recently. These detections indicate that a breeding population exists in the area. The OFF infestation is sufficiently isolated and localized to be amenable to the CDFA’s OFF treatment work plan. There are no cultural or biological methods available to eliminate OFF from this area, so a treatment plan is necessary and will be conducted through November 27, which is the amount of time necessary to carry out the treatment plan across three life cycles of OFF. The CDFA will employ chemical control as the primary tool and will additionally use physical control via host fruit removal when there is evidence that a breeding population exists on a property. Residents whose property will be treated will be notified in writing at least 48 hours in advance of any treatment. Following the treatment, completion notices are left with the residents detailing precautions to take and post-harvest intervals applicable to any fruit on the property. Treatment information is posted at For any questions, residents can contact the CDFA at (800) 491-1899 for assistance. This telephone number is also listed on all treatment notices.

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