(with apologies to Clement Clarke Moore)
‘Twas the seventeenth of November, and a Friday they say, And Rotarians were gathering at noontime today. At the door er were greeting by Parrille, Tony, Who’s as friendly as can be, and that’s no baloney. Inside there were conversations with all of our friends, Friendship and Rotary pay big dividends. Soon there’s a lineup to move through the food line, Back to our tables, more conversation, a good sign. The food for our meeting was Dick Martinez’s order, Our menu today was from south of the border. Appetites were satisfied, as fast as we could chew, Many stories were told, some even true. Unfortunately interrupting the fun and good eating, President Bob rang his gavel to start up the meeting. Mike Danielson has returned to lead us in song, Under Mike’s guidance, voices rose from our throng. We were led in the Pledge by Rotarian Jackie So, And Mike Real bowed his head, led us in prayer don’t ya know. Rosie Mares, introduced guests, and there were many, Students of the month, teacher of the year, nearly twenty. Mike Real announced that we’ll all be eating hearty, He and Paula have stepped up to host our Christmas part. On December 3rd a taco truck will be at their beautiful home, $35 a person, we hope you can come. For years Arcadia Rotary has seized the opportunity, To recognize our youth, the future of our community. Arcadia High supplies a top-notch education, Our students are among the best in the nation. This month’s academic recognition went to Felice Ye, But Felice’s award was only the first of three. For performing arts Jeremiah Jun was the awardee, And William Garcia’s water polo prowess won for him, you see. But students wouldn’t prosper without teachers to teach, Readin’, ritin’, rithmetic’, recognizing parts of speech. Susan Lersey was teacher of the year at Longley Way, Says she’s retiring this year, we wish that she’d stay. Schools on Wheels serves children who are in distress, Provides tutoring for children experiencing homelessness. Presenter Manmeet Sodhi’s name won’t be at the end of a line, Rhyming with that would take several glasses of wine. Because of Thanksgiving, next week Rotary will be dark, But on Friday, December 1st, make a giant checkmark. We’ll be back in session; I want to see you all there, With your Rotary friends you'll have fun and that’s not just hot air. We’d like to see some of our missing who belong, Eileen Wang, Ashley Andrews and Gerard Tamparong. Looking forward to David Muse re-joining our group, On your way here David, pick up Vannasdall, the supe. We hope for Thanksgiving you don’t do anything quirky, You’ll be better off if you just stick with the turkey. We Rotarians have so much to be thankful for, I’ll see you December 1st, or maybe before. Bob Harbicht President
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