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2018 City Elections

The City holds regular elections for Council Members on the 2nd Tuesday of April in even-numbered years.  In addition, special elections are held when called by the City Council.

The next regular election will take place on Tuesday, April 10, 2018.  It will be held to elect the first Council Members for Districts 2, 3, and 5 for four-year terms.

The election is expected to be called in December 2017 and Candidate Handbooks will be available in mid-December.  The Chief Deputy City Clerk (Elections Official) will issue nomination papers to potential candidates and guide candidates through the election process.

The City Clerk’s Office mails sample ballot pamphlets containing a list of qualified candidates and candidates’ statements of qualifications to all registered City voters.

After the Election results are final, on the 3rd Tuesday in April, the City Clerk administers the oath of office to each elected official and presents them with a Certificate of Election.  One of the first orders of business of the newly seated City Council is electing a Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem.

Information on Voter registration is available on the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk website at or by calling 1-800-815-2666.  Voter registration forms can be picked up from City Hall and post office; or you can register online at

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