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Mickey Segal: 2010 City Council campaign

The following blog posts are from the 2010 City Council election campaign.

Submitted Feb. 24:

Shortly, Arcadia homes will be “decorated” by election signs and newspapers and websites will be blasted with advertising for candidates. It is election time in Arcadia.

Mark "Mickey" Segal

This is a very important time because Arcadians are given the opportunity to elect the city council people that will make decisions that could affect lifestyles for the entire community. As a candidate, I encourage all Arcadians to take the time to get to know who each candidate is and what they believe in. Review their resumes and election material and understand what they have done and will do for Arcadia. Remember, the City Council will make a few decisions every year the affect the lives of all of us. Be sure that you are comfortable that the candidates you support will represent your views and opinions about our future.

The most important thing of all is that all Arcadians exercise their given right to vote. Whether you vote by absentee ballot or at the polls please take the time and cast your vote. Don’t let Arcadia’s future be decided without your vote.

For those of us who are campaigning, election time gives us the opportunity to meet and speak to hundreds of citizens. I have run for office two times before and I can say without hesitation that the next 45 days will be filled with all kinds of promises and campaign rhetoric. Listen, ask questions, and understand each candidate’s position, but most of all be sure that your vote is counted.

Statement filed with City Clerk:

Mark “Mickey” Segal Age: 52 Occupation: Certified Public Accountant

Arcadia has been my home for 25 years. My three children attended Arcadia’s excellent public schools. My wife and I have been active volunteers, committing thousands of hours to our PTAs, Educational Foundation, Booster Clubs, Red Cross, Welfare & Thrift Shop, etc. I also chaired campaigns raising over $28 million for Arcadia Methodist Hospital. I have worked hard to make Arcadia the great community it is today.

I served on Arcadia City Council from 2000-2008, including two terms as mayor. During that time, we accomplished many things: new police station, fire station, museum and youth facilities; visible street signs; excellent youth and senior services; balanced budgets; fair and prudent fire and police contracts.

Arcadia is facing tough economic times. Now is not the time for amateur leadership unfamiliar with Arcadia’s issues. As a CPA and financial advisor, I can provide expert help with our budget and labor contracts. My understanding of these critical issues will help implement win-win solutions for our community.

I believe in sound fiscal policy, strong police and fire protection, safe and secure neighborhoods, and excellent schools. With my experience as a council member and CPA, Arcadia will successfully navigate these difficult times.

This is one of six blogs provided by to the six candidates running for three seats on the Arcadia City Council in the April 13, 2010 election.

Candidates are free to submit whatever statements they want here and comment on each other’s blogs. Readers are encouraged to submit comments below each blog, which will be public for everyone to see, and to which anyone, including the candidates, may respond.

All editiorial by the candidates and comments by readers and the candidates must be approved by No profanity will be allowed. Your full name and contact information (contact information not for publication) is required if your comments involve any specific or particularly harsh criticisms or claims that are not generally known or not immediately and easily verifiable.


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